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Histon and Impington

Park Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Ofsted report

    Wed 17 Jul 2024

    We are delighted that following our Ofsted inspection of the 25th and 26th June the school has been awarded an outstanding grade in all areas. This is testimony to the amazing staff and children we have at the school and across the trust and the fantastic support we receive from parents and carers. Please click on the 'Ofsted and performance data' tab to read more.

  • Wimbledon Trip

    Thu 11 Jul 2024

    On Wednesday, Miss Moule and Mrs Munnelly took a group of 8 Year 5 children to Wimbledon.  We were lucky enough to receive tickets in the schools ballot so held our own schools ballot to select our lucky 8! They headed off bright and early, travelling through London seeing sights such as The Gherkin, The Shard and The Tower of London.  Arriving at 11, they headed to Number 2 Court where they saw the ladies doubles quarter final with Coco Gauff.  They then saw Brits Willis and Barnett in the mixed doubles who beat Ram and Volynets.  One of Miss Moule’s oldest friends works at Wimbledon so linked the children up with the Education department who shared some interesting facts about the championships.  Did you know each day 45,000 people visit Wimbledon? Also, over the course of the Championships, 2.5 million strawberries are consumed. The grass is cut every morning to 8mm high and the lines are repainted each morning! If you win Wimbledon, you won £2.35 million and if you are knocked out in round 1 you still receive £55,000!  After this, they visited the museum to learn about the history of the tournament.  After a quick sit on Murray Mound, they headed to the café to try some of the famous strawberries and cream.  Whilst in the café, they met Judy Murray who posed for a photo with them! The children were very excited to meet the mum of the Wimbledon champ Andy Murray!  To end the day, the revisited Number 2 court for the Ladies Doubles Quarter Finals! It really was a fabulous day and it was great to see the children applying their tennis knowledge from Mr Fallon’s P.E. lessons!  To see more pictures from the day visit our school Facebook page! Follow to keep up to date with school new

  • Kings and Queens Day

    Fri 07 Jun 2024

    On Tuesday, Key Stage One children took part in a day where they discovered all there is to know about monarchs of the UK, including those past and present.  They took part in a coronation in order to find about what happens during this royal event.  In the afternoon, there was a royal banquet where children enjoyed some tasty foods!  We also had a guest appearance from King Charles III who happened to be in Histon for the day!!  Our court jesters kept the royal guests entertained during the banquet.  The day was enjoyed by all (especially the staff!).

  • Year 3/4 Football Tournament

    Fri 24 May 2024

    Miss Moule and Miss Anelay took two teams to a football tournament in St Ives.  There were ten teams who played a number of matches.  Again, the girls worked so well to support and encourage each other.  One team made it to the 3rd place play off match beating the other team to secure 3rd place overall!  Our other school team had a very close playoff match holding to a 0-0 draw so coming join 9th overall. 

  • Year 5 Cross Country Success

    Fri 24 May 2024

    Miss Moule and I were enough to accompany our Year 5 children to their first ever County Cross Country relay competition yesterday. Schools from all over the County participated with fifty teams comprising of 2 girls and 2 boys taking place in the Year 5 race and a similar number in the Year 6 race (which we will be able to enter next year!).  Each child ran approximately 1200m handing over a baton to their teammate at the end of each leg.

    Harry led the team off and after a very fast start from all the children running the first leg settled down in the leading group. Two thirds of the way round he took the lead which he never relinquished bringing us home 30 metres clear of his nearest rival. Imelda and Zoey then both showed amazing determination to run fantastic legs to leave Felix in 5th place when he took over for the last leg. With three hundred metres to go he was still in 5th but he showed amazing resilience and a ‘Usain Bolt like finish’ to overtake two children in the home straight as well as just managing to hold off the fast finishing team from the Brook School. A fantastic effort from all four of the children to finish a brilliant third. They received their bronze medals from none other than British gymnastic legend, world champion and Olympic bronze medallist Beth Tweddle. Both Miss Moule and I were so proud of their efforts. A huge thank you to those parents who came along and supported the team. We then cheered on our friends from HIBPS in their Year 6 race.

  • Year 3/4 Arts Theatre Trip

    Fri 15 Mar 2024

    On Wednesday, Year 3 and Year 4 went to Cambridge Arts Theatre to see The Boy In The Back of the Class.  The show was a brilliant retelling of the story and the children were captivated by the story of Ahmet, a Syrian refugee.  We were hugely grateful for the support of Gen S’s Mum in coordinating with Corn Exchange so we could use there as a base before the show and for our lunch time.   In the afternoon, the children took part in a Scavenger Hunt to locate different Cambridge landmarks.  They used maps to work out the most efficient route and also collected data linked to number of pedestrians/traffic to use as part of their Geography learning.

  • Explorify Competition Year 5

    Fri 15 Mar 2024

    The children in Year 5 have ‘wowed’ us all with the work they did at home as part of this competition. Their task was to create a scientific piece of art. Thank you to all those parents/carers who joined us for the ‘exhibition’ after school earlier this week. The work was stunning and represented such a lot of different types of art and branches of science. We will be announcing the winners in assembly next week but it is so tricky as children, parents/carers and other family members have excelled themselves with their thought, effort and imagination!

  • Book Week

    Fri 08 Mar 2024

    It has been a great week at HIPPS celebrating World Book Day!  Families have been very kind donating books for our library via our Amazon Wishlist.  Staff and children very much enjoyed dressing up on Thursday 7th March for World Book Day. Children all took part in our HIPPS Book Swap event so took home a book donated by a classmate.  We also very much enjoyed inviting families in for reading mornings.  Thank you for joining us.

    Reading is such a huge part of our curriculum so it was wonderful to spend so much time enjoying books.

  • Jerusalema dance at HIPPS as part of Children’s Mental Health Week

    Fri 16 Feb 2024

    Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 took take place from 5-9th February 2024. This year’s theme was My voice matters.  My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. When we feel empowered, there’s a positive impact on our wellbeing. Children who feel that their voices are heard and can make a difference have a greater sense of community and self-esteem. This year, we want children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be empowered to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing.

    During Children’s Mental Health Week, we want all children and young people to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters.”

    After the success of last year, we decided to come together again and enjoy The Jerusalema dance. The whole school performed the spectacular dance on the playground on Thursday 15th February, well done everyone, keep dancing and connecting.

  • Year 3/4 Egyptian Day

    Fri 16 Feb 2024

    Year 3 and 4 thoroughly enjoyed their Egyptian day earlier this week to celebrate the end of their history learning. Amongst other activities, the children made clay amulets and had the opportunity to ‘mummify’ a tomato. When I visited their classes they were able to tell me why the amulets were so important to an ancient Egyptian when they died. Thank you to all those parents and carers who were able to join us to learn a little bit more about what the children had been learning and thank you to all the staff in Year 3 and 4, particularly Mr Wilson for making such an exciting day possible.
