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Contact Us

Histon and Impington

Park Primary School

New Reception Intake 2025

We are very excited to welcome you to Histon and Impington Park Primary


We hope to add content here over the next few months before your child starts school in Reception. We hope that the content and the photos on this page, and across our website, will help to give a flavour of what our wonderful school is like. We hope that you can find time to share it with your children. 


We are pleased to be able offer Tours of the School with the Head Teacher for prospective Reception parents. These tours are on the following dates:


Tuesday 15 October at 17.30

Wednesday 6 November at 09.30 

Friday 8 November at 9.30

Tuesday 12 November at 9.30

Monday 25 November at 9.30


Please email the School Office at or call 01223 568826 to book a place on a Tour.


Please note these tours are just for adults. 


Please take some time to explore the rest of our school website.  The gallery shows examples of work and the Latest News section of the website (found in the Our Parents tab) also show some of the things that are currently going on at the school. 


We are looking forward to working with lots of you!


Best wishes, 

Mr Newman, Miss Moule and the Reception Team

Fantastic pictures of our school building!
