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Histon and Impington

Park Primary School

Year 5/6 Trip To Bletchely Park

On Thursday, Year 5 and 6 embarked on an exciting school trip to Bletchley Park as part of their History and Mathematical enrichment. During the visit, we learned about Operation Overlord and the D-Day landings, and explored the historic site where approximately 9,000 workers, many of whom were women, contributed to the war effort during World War II.

The highlight of our visit was becoming code breakers! We signed secrecy documents, pledging that “no word of mine shall betray, however slightly, the great trust placed in me.” If asked about our activities, we had to say we were doing “boring office work.” In our codes and ciphers session, we cracked codes and took on the roles of key historical figures from Bletchley Park's past. We also enjoyed a guided tour, which deepened our understanding of this iconic centre of Allied code-breaking.

The day was a fantastic experience, and we are excited to continue our learning through our text ‘I, Spy: A Bletchley Park Mystery’ by Rhian Tracey.

A huge thank you to the staff and parents and carers who volunteered to help make this incredible learning opportunity possible.
