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Histon and Impington

Park Primary School


Music is a unique way of communicating that can inspire and motivate children, therefore playing an important part in the life of our school. The teaching and learning of music enables children to better understand and appreciate the diversity of the world they live in and it’s past. Music is creative and innovative and important to children’s emotional health and wellbeing. 

As part of our Music curriculum we base some of the learning on ‘Charanga’ Music scheme as well as having units devised by staff across the trust. They are taught the Musical dimensions: Rhythm and Pulse, Pitch, Dynamics and Tempo and Composition.  The Music curriculum provides opportunity for children to listen and appraise many different styles of Music as well as from different cultures and times. These include, West Indian drumming, Sea shanties and Hip Hop to name a few. Children can play and compose their own Music using both tuned and untuned instruments.

Children have many opportunities to explore and learn through additional Musical experiences at Histon and Impington Park Primary. These include, weekly singing assemblies, peripatetic Music lessons such as violin playing, school choir, Musical showcase events, Musical assemblies for children to perform and sing, and concerts. We place importance on the opportunity for all children to hear a variety of live Music and welcome parents to play instruments, these have included steel drums, saxophone and guitar playing. We also invite a professional Music Group to perform to the whole school annually, giving children plenty of exposure to live Music.
