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Contact Us

Histon and Impington

Park Primary School


At Histon and Impington Park Primary School we are dedicated to being an inclusive school; to make all our children feel welcome and happy. Every child is different and we celebrate this. We are highly committed to creating a stimulating learning experience that is inclusive of all children. We want every child to reach their full potential and emerge from school with a life-long love of learning.  Our SENDCO is Mrs Katrina Brown.

We provide support to ensure that ALL children make good progress at their level. In order to do this, we provide quality first teaching and make reasonable adaptations for particular needs whilst working with an inclusive environment and ethos. Where a child has a special educational need, we also provide early identification and response to the need, involve the child and family in the planning, doing and reviewing of the support the child needs, short term intervention programmes and medium or long term intervention to address specific needs. 

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

Children, at some time in their school career, may have special educational needs of some kind. The difficulties a child may experience can vary and may occur in a number of areas. Some children will need help and support all of the time that they are at school, while other children may only need help for a short time.

The broad areas of SEND are:

• Communication and Interaction

• Cognition and Learning

• Social, Emotional and Mental Health 

• Sensory and Physical Needs

Children will receive different levels of support depending on their individual needs.


If you need additional support you can contact the Local Authority SEND team at the address below:

SENDIASS Contact details

SEND Information, Advice and Support (SENDIASS) 
Cambridgeshire County Council, ALC2630, New Shire Hall, Emery Crescent, Enterprise Campus, Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon, PE28 4YE
Email -

Confidential helpline open during term times: 01223 699 214

SENDIASS was previously called Parent Partnership.
