Meridian Trust Attendance Letter - October 2024
Our school gates open at 8.45am for KS1/KS2.
Children in Year Three and above can be dropped off between 8.45am and 8.55am. Registers close at 8.55am. If they arrive after this time, they will be marked as late. If they arrive after 9.25am, they will receive an unauthorised mark.
Children in Year One and Year Two can be dropped off between 8.45am and 9.00am. Registers close at 9.00am. If they arrived after this time, they will be marked as late. If they arrive after 9.30am, they will receive an unauthorised mark.
The gates open for Reception at 8.50am. Children in Reception can be dropped off between 8.50am and 9.00am. If they arrive after this time, they will be marked as late. If they arrive after 9.25am, they will receive an unauthorised mark.
Learning begins from when the classroom doors open so it is vital that the children are here on time and in school everyday.
What should I do if my child is ill or absent from school?
A child's absence must be reported to the school office by phone or email before 9.00am on the first morning of absence. If an absence is not reported, a member of staff will telephone your child's contact for safeguarding reasons (to confirm that your child is safe at home and not 'missing) and to record the correct attendance code on the register. If your child is off for more than one day, you should update the office each morning as to why they are still absent from school.
What should I do if my child has a medical appointment?
All appointments should be made, wherever possible, outside of school hours. If your child needs to attend an appointment during school hours, please notify the office in advance and provide an appointment card/message.
Can I take my child on holiday during term time?
Children of school age who are registered at school must, by law, attend that school regularly. The regulations make it clear that parents do not have any entitlement to take a child out of school for the purposes of a term-time holiday. Absence request forms must ne submitted in advance of any absence that is not due to medical reasons. Each request for absence will be considered on a individual basis, having regard to the government guidelines and each pupil's attendance record. Authorisation for term-time holidays will not be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances which might justify it.
Term time holidays of three days or over will be forwarded to the Local Authority and a penalty notice may be issued.