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Contact Us

Histon and Impington

Park Primary School


We believe that children are natural scientists, have inquisitive minds and an in-built desire to understand the ‘why’ behind everything. Therefore, it is essential that our Science curriculum provides opportunities to inspire children’s curiosity further, and provide them with the tools to lead the way in exploring their own scientific learning journey.


Our Science curriculum is planned to build children’s scientific knowledge as they also learn how to be effective scientists.  For example, children learn what plants need to thrive through a fair test that they design themselves. Similarly, they learn about friction through carrying out a comparative test of different shoes. Our curriculum is sequenced so that children repeatedly carry out the full range of enquiry types during their time with us.


We take every opportunity to demonstrate that Science is not just something that happens in the classroom. This includes simple things like collecting seeds around the school site but also inviting guests into the school with scientific backgrounds to lead investigations and share their experiences of living a life as a scientist.
