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Histon and Impington

Park Primary School

Young Voices Trip To London

Our terrific School Choir had a wonderful day at the O2 Arena on Wednesday, as part of the Young Voices 2023 event. They sang a range of songs with 8000 other children, entertaining a vast audience of parents, carers and family members who had come along to watch. It was a wonderful opportunity for our young children to sing as part of a large group and to perform in such an amazing venue. The children were also fortunate to listen to Heather Small, who sang her hit songs Proud and Movin’ On Up as part of the concert, as well as an incredibly talented violinist, beatbox group and urban dance crew. The whole event was truly inspiring and something that the children will remember for many years to come.   We were so proud of them

A huge thank you to the adults who volunteered their time to accompany the children and a particularly big thank you to Miss Williams, who has spent many hours organising the trip and teaching the children the songs.
