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Histon and Impington

Park Primary School

Year 3 and 4 Roman Day

Wow! Year 3 and 4 were lucky enough to take part in an immersive Roman Day this week.  A Roman soldier called Titus visited us on Tuesday and Friday with a mission to avenge his fallen soldiers and to recruit new fighters to help him defend the Roman Empire! Our Year 3 and 4 pupils were definitely ready for the challenge and took part in soldier training - Level 1, 2 and 3.  Titus taught us to: stand to attention, march, create battle formations, hold weaponry, throw javelins, attack and shout a lot of 'Ave Caesar'! The pupils even had to charge at us teachers with their wooden Gladius (sword) and Scutum (shield), which was pretty terrifying for us!  Pupils also: used wax tabula to write some Roman numerals and examined real Roman coins before embossing their own. To end our day the children had to decide which two pieces of Roman army equipment they would choose as new recruits. We also had a lot of fun too!
