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Histon and Impington

Park Primary School

Whole School Cross Country

As mentioned in the last newsletter before the half term break we held very successful school cross-country races on the Wednesday before we broke up. We were so impressed by how hard all the children tried. Congratulations to the children listed below who were presented with medals in assembly on Tuesday this week. Those children in Key Stage 2 who did well will represent the school at the prestigious district cross-country championships on Wednesday 29th November( more details to follow).

Reception Girls:  1st Sienna 2nd Isabella 3rd Melody

Reception Boys: Elijah Theo Hugo

Year 1 Girls: Sophie Raya Imi

Year 1 Boys:  Elijah Joshua Caleb

Year 2 Girls: Molly Bethan  Laurel

Year 2 Boys: Solly Isaac Noah

Year 3 Girls:  Lucia Seren Amabelle

Year 3 Boys: Finley Danny Cameron

Year 4 Girls: Ataiah Samee Lilly

Year 4 Boys: Alex B Arthur Tyler

Year 5 Girls: Imelda Zoey Elsa

Year 5 Boys:  Harry Felix James
