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Histon and Impington

Park Primary School

Reception trip to Wicken Fen

I was fortunate enough to accompany Class 1 and Class 2 on their school trip to Wicken Fen on Tuesday 10th March.


As you may be aware this was the first ‘proper’ school trip we have had for almost three years. We were all very proud of all the Reception children who went on the trip. Their behaviour was fantastic. They listened really well to the adults, both those from school and Wicken Fen team and asked some really great questions. They also impressed all the school staff with their fantastic scientific knowledge.


Given that this group of children spent much of their pre-school time in lockdown, without having as many opportunities to socialise as much with other children or adults, or to visit lots of different places, they were amazing! As parents/carers you should be incredibly proud of them.


Many thanks to those parents/carers and other family members who helped accompany us to Wicken Fen, especially those of you who did this at very short notice. You were all impeccably behaved too!


We all had the opportunity to go pond dipping, have a minibeast hunt and to see lots of the different animals that have made Wicken Fen their home.


