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Histon and Impington

Park Primary School

Email from author!

As you will know, last week for Book Week, the whole school used the book 'Bee and Me' by Alison Jay as a stimulus for learning.

Miss Moule emailed Alison Jay to share examples of the children's learning and was delighted to receive an email back!

Dear Miss Moule, 

Thank you so much for sharing the link to your schools world book day photos, I was so excited to see them, it looks like a fantastic day . I love the children dressed as wild meadow flowers and creatures ,the millipede is wonderful and all those bees and flowers. I think it is absolutely brilliant that each child has taken some seeds home to make a bee friendly space of their own, I couldn’t be happier to hear that ,it is so much more than I had ever hoped for when I wrote and illustrated Bee and Me. 

Thanks again for up dating me a huge round of applause and cheer from me to all those who took part. 👏🏻👏🏻 and I am sure a giant thank youzzzzzZZZ from all those happy bees this summer 🐝🐝


All the very best 


Alison xx
