Eco Committee launch with support for Narrow Close
The school have recently established our own Eco Committee. One child from each class has been chosen to represent their class. Mr Dando has lots of exciting plans for how the council and the rest of the school can make our school and the wider community more Eco-friendly. To start with though Mr Newman and Miss Moule took the 12 children down to Narrow Close to meet Mr Stonham and Mrs Murray who are both part of the Parish Council.
A number of parents/carers have not been thinking carefully about how and where they park and some of the grassed areas on Narrow Close have been damaged or spoilt. Year 2 had designed some fantastic posters asking people to park with more care and courtesy and to avoid parking across driveways. We were able to install our signs which look absolutely fantastic.
Some of the neighbours came out to see what we were doing and thanked the children!