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Histon and Impington

Park Primary School

1st Place at Football Tournament

On Thursday, Miss Moule and Mr Fallon took a group of 8 boys to a football tournament at Linton Village College.  There were 14 schools involved including 4 other Meridian Trust schools.  Five matches were played and the team won three and drew two which was amazing.  After each match, each team had to score their opponents for Skill, Teamwork and Fair Play.   We were delighted that, in the final presentation, we scored highest out of all schools for skill!  Our success didn’t stop there! Our team was awarded the highest overall score in the three categories putting us in the pole position.  Each of the team members has been presented with their certificates in assembly today and they also received a Cambridge United jacket each!  We were so proud of how they worked together, the encouragement they gave each other and the other teams in the tournament.
